Research Support

Research Support


We consult on all stages of educational research projects, from ideation through publishing. 

Please note that any projects that require long term collaboration, such as contribution to grants, will be considered on a case-by-case basis only, depending on the workload and availability of our staff. To initiate a discussion about any such collaboration, please contact us at least three months before the date you intend to submit your proposal. 

  • Research Consultations
    We support faculty to refine their ideas and interests into actionable research projects, learn about methods for data collection and analysis, and disseminate their projects through publications and presentations. 
  • Data Consultations
    We work with faculty to help them learn about and access student data and to identify useful statistical methods for research or evaluation. 
  • Department or Program Support
    We help departments and programs make data-driven decisions by providing analysis of student data. We specialize in efforts towards inclusive education.

Request a Consultation 

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Community

CEE facilitates a number of events to help support the growing discourse community of SOTL researchers at UC Davis.

SOTL conference: A yearly conference to share UC Davis research and discovery in support of improving UC Davis teaching and learning. Please see the conference website for more details. 

Learn@Lunch is a monthly gathering to share insights and experiences related to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). These sessions provide a platform to celebrate research successes, discuss challenges, and foster meaningful dialogue. Learn@Lunch is  led by Dr. Victoria Cross and Dr. Julia Chamberlain. For this quarter's meetings visit: 

SOTL Community visibility and support: if you have an event or initiative that supports UC Davis’ SOTL community or is generally of interest to scholarly educators at UC Davis, please email us CEE. We’d be happy to help make your initiative visible to others in the SOTL community.