CEE Publications and Presentations
CEE professional staff are consistently and broadly sharing their knowledge with the educational community through numerous publications and local, national and international presentations.
- Publications
Healey, K. (forthcoming). “Sensory Disabilities.” In Oxford Bibliographies in History of Medicine. Ed. Jacalyn Duffin. New York: Oxford University Press.
Saichaie, K., & Haas, K. (forthcoming). Rising Through the Ranks and New Forging Models. In D Samuel, L. Hasunuma, A. Valdespino, and S. Mazrouei (Eds.). Through the Lens: Perspectives of Educational Developers of Color. Routledge Publishing.
Cuellar, M.G., Garcia. A.B., & Saichaie, K. (forthcoming) Beyond social mobility, college students value giving back to society. The Conversation on Higher Education. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD.
Healey, K. (2023). “Speak the Language of Your Flag”: Speech, Language, and Oralism During the First World War. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 22(4), 406-426.
Saichaie, K. (2023). Still Running: Race and First-Generation Students in a post-affirmative action landscape. Journal of First generation Student Success, 3(3),155-158.
Cuellar, M.G., Garcia. A.B., & Saichaie, K. (2022) Beyond social mobility, college students value giving back to society. https://theconversation.com/beyond-social-mobility-college-students-value-giving-back-to-society-171279.
Gómez, M. C. (collaborator) in (2022). UC Office of the President Guidance Framework for Digital Inclusion report. UC Office of the President · May 31, 2022
Ghosh, S., Pulford, S. & Bloom, A.J. Remote learning slightly decreased student performance in an introductory undergraduate course on climate change. Commun Earth Environ 3, 177 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00506-6
Shrestha, A., Saichaie, K., Johnson, T., Brown, W., Altier, L., Goorahoo, D., & Mitchell, J. (2022). Can Videos Be a Useful Tool to Enrich Classroom Learning in an Applied Science Such as Vegetable Production?. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(2), 166-180.
Turner, P. (2022, March 14). Revisiting Camera Use in Live Remote Teaching: Considerations for Learning and Equity. EDUCAUSE Review.
Gómez, M.C. (contributor) in (2021) HSI Implementation Task Force Report 2020-2021, Davis, UC Davis DEI Office.
Cuellar, M.G., Garcia. A.B., & Saichaie, K. (2021). Reaffirming the Public Purposes of Higher Education: First-Generation and Continuing Generation Students’ Perspectives. Journal of Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2021.1979849.
Turner P. and Merrill, M. (2021, May 25). Using Structure to Promote Equity and Engagement in Live Remote Sessions. EDUCAUSE Review.
Turner, P. and Rossi, M. (2021). Promoting Students’ Engagement with Disciplinary Texts as Inclusive Teaching Practice. IDEA Papers. IDEA Paper 85.
Gomez, M.C. & Saichaie, K. (contributors) in Brook’s, C. (2021), Student Experiences Learning with Technology in the Pandemic. EDUCAUSE Research report.
Hong, R. C., & Moloney, K. (2020). There is no turning back: Harnessing chaos to create our new assessment future (Occasional Paper No. 49). Urbana, IL. University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. https://www.learningoutcomesassessment.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/OccasionalPaper49.pdf
Saichaie, K. (2020). Blended, flipped, and hybrid learning: Definitions, developments, and directions. In T. Trolian and K.C. Culver (Eds). New Directions for Teaching and Learning: Effective Instruction in College Classrooms: Research-Based Approaches to College and University Teaching (pp. 95-104). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. https://doi.org/10.1002/tl.20428.
Saichaie, K., & Theisen, C. H. (Eds.). (2020). Approaches to graduate student instructor development and preparation. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Theisen, C.H., Modell, A.M., Muñoz, Y., & Saichaie, K. (2020). Peer teaching consultants: Design principles for instructional development and program alignment. In K. Saichaie and C.H. Theisen (Eds.). Approaches to graduate student instructor development and preparation. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Silva, S.G., Vyn, R., Gatewood, R., Colombo, M.R., & Saichaie, K. (2020). Growing digital roots: A community of practice approach to technology-infused graduate student development. In K. Saichaie and C.H. Theisen (Eds.). Approaches to graduate student instructor development and preparation. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Rockey, A. & Saichaie, K. (2020, August). Beer deconstructed: designing short weekly writing assignments in a fully online beer and brewing course. Research in Online Literacy Education.
Harlow A, Lo S.M., Saichaie, K., Sato, B.K. (2020). Characterizing the University of California’s tenure-track teaching position from the faculty and administrator perspectives. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227633. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0227633
Sowell, K. Saichaie, K., Bergman, J.L. & Applegate, E. (2019). High-Enrollment and HyFlex: The Case for an Alternative Course Model. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 30(2), 5-28.
De Pedro, K., Lynch, R.J., & Esqueda, M.C. (In press). Understanding safety, victimization and school climate among rural LGBTQ youth. Journal of LGBT Youth.
Motika, M. (2018, August) "Personality Traits and Low Wealth at Retirement.” Eastern Economic Journal
Saichaie, K. (2018). Organizational Identity in Higher Education. In: Teixeira P., Shin J. (Eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer, Dordrecht.
Segarra, V.A., Natalizio, B., Falkenberg, C., Pulford, S., & Holmes, R. (2018). STEAM: Using the Arts to Train Well-Rounded and Creative Scientists. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 19(1), 1-7.
Siegel, A., Esqueda, M.C., Berkowitz, R., Sullivan, K., & Astor, R.A. (2018). Welcoming parents to their child’s school: Practices supporting students with diverse needs and backgrounds. Education and Urban Society.
Wilson, J.L.F., Stimel, D., & Ghosh, S. (2018). "Hybrid vs Traditional: Student Performance Differences in an Economic Development Course.” Working paper, draft.
De Pedro, K., & Esqueda, M.C. (2017). Exploring school victimization and weapon carrying among military-connected lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in California schools. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
De Pedro, K., Esqueda, M.C., & Gilreath, T.D. (2017). School protective factors and substance use among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents in California public schools. Journal of LGBT Health, 4(3), 210-216.
De Pedro, K., Gilreath, T.D., Jackson, C., & Esqueda, M.C. (2017). Substance use among transgender youth: Results from the California Healthy Kids Survey. Journal of School Health, 87(5), 303-309.
Dockter, D.,Uvarov, C., Guzman-Alvarez, A., & Molinaro, M. (2017). "Improving Preparation and Persistence in Undergraduate STEM: Why an Online, Summer Chemistry Preparation Course Makes Sense." In Online approaches to chemical education, 7–33. ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1261.
Loes, C.N., An, B.P., Saichaie, K., & Pascarella, E.T. (2017). Does Collaborative Learning Influence Persistence to the Second Year of College? Journal of Higher Education, 88(1), 62-84.
Nickaeen, M., Novak, I., Pulford, S., Rumack, A., Brandon, J., Slepchenko, B., & Mogilner, A. (2017). A free-boundary model of a motile cell explains turning behavior. PLOS Computational Biology, 13(11).
Saichaie, K., & Warshaw, J. B. (2017). (Web)Sites of Entry from Academe to Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Academic Marketing to Prospective Students. In A. Papadimitriou (Ed). Higher education branding and marketing in a context of global competition: Theoretical and practical perspectives, 13-36. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Thaiss, C., Moloney, K., & Chaozon-Bauer, P. (2016, December). “Freeing students to do their best”: Examining writing in first-year seminars. Across the Disciplines, 13(4). https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/atd/hip/thaissetal2016.pdf.
Baepler, P., Walker, J.D., Brooks, D.C. Saichaie, K., & Peterson, C.I. (2016). A guide to teaching in active learning classrooms: History, research, and practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Loes, C. N., & Saichaie, K. (2016). Cognitive effects of technology over four years of college. Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 1, 181-196.
Molinaro, M., Steinwachs, M., Li, Q., & Guzman-Alvarez, A. (2016). "Promoting Action from Instructors to Departments via Simple, Actionable Tools, and Analyses." In Proceedings 1st Learning Analytics for Curriculum and Program Quality Improvement Workshop co-located with Sixth International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2016). Vol. 1690, 36-40.
Olvera, M., Diaz, R., Molinaro, M., Smith, A., Spencer, T., Guzman-Alvarez, A., & Okita, A. (2015, October). EllipSeeIt: Visualizing strength and direction of correlation. American Statistical Association Statistics Education Web.
Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Falk Smith, A., Gamage, A., Molinaro, M. & Larsen, D. (2015, September). "Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Open-Access ChemWiki Resource as a Replacement for Traditional General Chemistry Textbooks." Chemistry Education Research and Practice.
Bradforth, S.E., Miller, E.R., & et al. (2015, July). Student pathway ribbon work led by Molinaro is highlighted in this comment piece. Nature, 523, 282-284.
Bradforth, S.E., Miller, E.R., & et al. (2015, July). "University learning: Improve undergraduate science education. Nature, 523, 282–284.
Roseler, K., Paul, C.A., Theisen C.H., & Felton, M. (2015 March). Knowing what to look for: Identifying the key features of evidence-based practices for STEM instructors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Molinaro, M., & Larsen, D. (2015, January). "Assessing the Impact and Efficacy of the Open-Access ChemWiki Textbook Project." EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Brief.
Esqueda, M.C., De Pedro, K., & Atuel, H. (2015). Examining the roles and responsibilities of institutions of higher education after nearly a decade of war. In J.E. Coll and E.L. Weiss, Supporting veterans in higher education: A primer for administrators, faculty, and advisors. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
Molina, D., Esqueda. M.C., & DeBraber, T. (2015). An introduction to educational and vocational benefits for student veterans. In J.E. Coll and E.L. Weiss, Supporting veterans in higher education: A primer for administrators, faculty, and advisors. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
Molinaro, M. (2015). “Enhancing Teaching and Learning: Potential and Reality,” In Searching for better approaches: Effective evaluation of teaching and learning in STEM. Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 73-80.
Pagliarulo, C., & Molinaro, M. (2015). "iAMSTEM: Increasing STEM Success at UC-Davis". In Peer review, Spring 2015, Vol. 17, No. 2.
Santos, J.L., Esqueda, M.C., & Molina, D. (2015). From military service to college: An exploratory examination of Latino veteran access to higher education. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies, 7(2), 102-118.
Smith, A., Molinaro, M., Lee, A., & Guzman-Alvarez, A. (2014, November). Thinking with data: Students use authentic data to form evidence-based conclusions and think like a scientist. The Science Teacher, 81(8), 58.
Guzman-Alvarez, A., Diaz, R., Smith, A., & Molinaro, M. (2014, June). "Now You SeeIt, Now You Don’t: Using SeeIt to Compare Stacked Dotplots to Boxplots." American Statistical Association Statistics Education Web.
Cederbaum, J. A., Malchi, K., Benbenishty, R., Esqueda, M.C., & Atuel, H. (2014). Student-instructor assessments: Examining the skills and competencies of social work interns placed in military-connected schools. Children and Schools, 36(1), 51-59.
De Pedro, K. M. T., Atuel, H., Esqueda, M.C., Malchi, K., Benbenishty, R., & Astor, R.A. (2014). Responding to the needs of military students and military-connected schools: The perceptions and actions of school administrators. Children and Schools, 36(1), e18-e25.
De Pedro, K., Astor, R. A., Gilreath, T., Benbenishty, R., & Esqueda, M.C. (2014). School climate perceptions among students in military-connected schools: A comparison of military and non-military students in the same schools. Military Behavioral Health, 2(1), 3-13.
De Pedro, K., Esqueda, M. C., Cederbaum, J., & Astor, R.A. (2014). District, school and community stakeholder perspectives on the experiences of military-connected youth in schools. Teachers College Record, 116(5), 1-32.
Esqueda, M.C., Cederbaum, J. A., Malchi, K., Pineda, D., Benbenishty, R., & Astor, R.A. (2014). Military social work fieldwork placement: Analysis of the time and activities graduate student interns provide military-connected schools. Children and Schools, 36(1), 41-50.
Ormand, C. J., Manduca, C., Shipley, T. F., Tikoff, B., Harwood, C. L., Atit, K., & Boone, A. P. (2014). Evaluating Geoscience Students' Spatial Thinking Skills in a Multi-Institutional Classroom Study. Journal of Geoscience Education, 62(1), 146-154.
Saichaie, K., & Morphew, C. C. (2014). What college and university websites reveal about the purposes of higher education. Journal of Higher Education, 85(4), 499-530.
Saichaie, K., Benson, J. H., & Kumar, A.B. (2014). How we created a targeted teaching tool using blog architecture for anesthesia and critical care education: The a/e anesthesia exchange blog. Medical Teacher, 1-5.
Van Horne, S., Murniati, C., Saichaie, K., Jesse, M., Florman, J. C., & Ingram, B.F. (2014). Using qualitative research to assess teaching and learning in technology-infused TILE classrooms. New Directions for Teaching and Learning: Active Learning Spaces, 2014: 17–26. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA.
Parks, S., Steinwachs, M., Diaz, R., & Molinaro, M. (2013, June). "Did I trap the Median?" American Statistical Association Statistics Education Web.
Segarra, V.A., Pulford, S., & Walsh, S. (2013). Presenting Fake Figures: A Tool to Teach Effective Scientific Figure Design. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 14(2), 260-262.
Iyer, K. V., Pulford, S., Mogilner, A., & Shivashankar, G.V. (2012). A two-step mechanotransduction model: force induced chromatin reorganization followed by MKL nuclear translocation. Biophysical Journal, 103, 1416-1428.
Smith, Z.J., Chu, K., Espenson, A.R., Rahimzadeh, M., Gryshuk, A., Molinaro, M., Dwyre, D.M., Lane, S., Matthews, D., & Wachsmann-Hogiu, S. (2011). Cell-phone-based platform for biomedical device development and education applications. PLOS ONE, 6(3): e17150.
Keen, S.L., Albu, E., Rundin, J., Johnson, T., & Motika, M. (Under review). Study of Greek and Latin roots of language improves GPA for biology students.
- Presentations
Turner, P. (2024, September). Context, Metacognition and Cues: Engaging Students in Critical Thinking around GenAI. On-demand Talk at the UC Davis 2024 Summer Institute on Teaching & Technology (SITT). Davis, CA.
Turner, P. (2024, December). Choice, Transparency, and Trust: Exploring the impact of an AI policy on student use of GenAI. Poster presented at The 9th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Conference, Davis, CA.
Turner, P. (2025, January). Mapping a Multidimensional Framework for Generative AI in Higher Education. Interactive session at the Lilly Teaching Conference. San Diego, CA.
Jehangir, R.R, Saichaie, K., Croom, N.N., Hart, J., Parsons, L., Kelly, B.T., Nguyen, D.J., & Mather, P.C. (2024, March). Navigating the Scholarly Publication Process and Its Hidden Curriculum. Pre-conference session at the 2024 NASPA Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Saichaie, K. (January, 2024). Asset-based Opportunities to Advance the First-Generation Student Experience. Closing keynote for the Elevating the First-Generation Student Experience: Recognizing our Collective Work. Division of Student Affairs Spring Retreat. University of California, Merced.Turner, P. (2023, December). Graduate Student Instructors’ Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education. Poster presented at The 8th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Conference, Davis, CA.
Turner, P., & Gómez, C. (2023, November) Future Forward: Evaluating faculty development programming for active learning classrooms. Virtual Poster presented at 2023 Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Virtual Conference · Nov 18, 2022.
Turner, P. (2023, September). Authentic Assessments in the Digital Space: Creating assessments that motivate. On-demand Talk at the UC Davis 2023 Summer Institute on Teaching & Technology (SITT). Davis, CA.
Healey, K., & Healey, J. (2023, July). Students as Access Partners: Teaching Accessibility, UDL, and Anti-Ableism. Presentation at the 9th Annual CAST Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Symposium: Through the Lens of UDL, Denver, CO.
Gregg, J., Kennison, R.L., Magruder, E., Saichaie, K. (April, 2023). Faculty/Educational Development and Assessment: Better Together. POD Special Interest Group session at the Annual Resource Conference, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Orange County, CA.
Moloney, K., & Bender, E. (2023, April 19-21). Let’s talk! Using Canvas to synthesize course-level data into program-level evidence [Conference Presentation]. 2023 WSCUC Accreditation Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA.
Turner, P. (2022, September) Google Me Up, Scotty!: Energizing student engagement with Google Docs. Presentation at the UC Davis 2022 Summer Institute on Teaching & Technology (SITT). Davis, CA.
Saichaie, K. (August, 2022). (Re)Committing to UDL: New Opportunities for Inclusion and Inspiration in the Classroom. Fall Faculty Flex Day Retreat. Cerro Coso Community College.
Milligan, S., Moloney, K., & Hong, R. C. (2022, June 6-9). There is No Return to Normal: Engaging Chaos to Re-engage Assessment [Conference Presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education, Providence, Rhode Island.
Saichaie, K. How to Prepare Your Students for Active Learning. (April, 2022). Art and Science of Active Learning Series at University of California, Riverside. Riverside, CA.
Turner, P., Ampofo, J., Bell, J., Bhandari, S., Castaneda, D. Creamer, M., Green, J., Jones, A., Moore, E., Nandino, D., Niesen, A., Parker, T., Sideli, G., Tsang, R., & Young, E. (2022). Learning is the Goal: The development of discipline-specific scaffolds by graduate student instructors. Poster presented at the 7th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Conference, Davis, CA.
Turner, P., & Gómez, C. (2022) Rapid Restart: Preparing faculty to teach in Active Learning Classrooms. Poster presented at the 2022 Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Conference. Nov 18, 2022.
DeBacco, K., Gómez, M.C., Mattos, N., & Tsai, S. F. (2021, October). UC IDFS DEI Rubric. Conference presentation at the UC Online Digital Transformation Conference.
Saichaie, K., Gómez, M.C., & Rossi, M. (2021, September) Technologies to advance anti-racist teaching. Presentation at the UC Davis 2021 Summer Institute on Teaching & Technology (SITT).
Gómez, M.C. (2021, July) DEI Rubric. Presentation at the EdTeach/ETLC Annual Meeting presentation.
Magruder, E., Kennison, R., & Stumpf, R. (2022, April) Faculty/educational development and assessment: Better together. Presentation at the WSCUC Accreditation Resource Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Saichaie, K., & Rossi, M. (2022, April). Supporting BIPOC faculty through a remote faculty learning community: Implications for culture, teaching, and retention. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Saichaie, K., Stumpf, R.A., Rossi, M., & Gómez, M.C. (2022, January). Leveraging Spheres of Influence: Activating and Advancing Anti-racist Pedagogies. Presentation at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Annual Conference, Washington DC.
Stumpf, R.A., Rossi, M., & Saichaie, K. (2022, January). Activating and Advancing Anti-Racist Pedagogies. Interactive session at the Lilly Teaching Conference. San Diego, CA.
Turner, P. (2021, December). The Role of Theory in Developing "Informed Knowledge Frameworks" in Graduate Student Instructors. Poster presented at The 6th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Conference, Davis. CA.
Gomez, C., and Turner, P. (2021, November). Looking Back, Looking Forward: Exploring Students' Experiences during Remote Teaching. Poster presented a the 46th Annual Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference.
Divinsky, A., Anderson, V., Fedyna, A., Bayer, S., Frary, M., Nickens, R., Stumpf, R., & Flores, B. (2021, November). The GPPD showcase: Adapting and leading in uncertain times. Virtual Presentation at the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Conference.
Turner, P. (2021, May). From Theory to Practice: Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Microteaching in an Interactive Lecture Framework. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Teaching Professors Conference, Virtual Presentation.
Gomez, M.C., & DeBacco, K. (2021, June) UC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Course Design Rubric. Interactive Presentation. University of California ILTI Speaker Series.
Gomez, M.C., & Turner, P. (2021, June). Students’ Experiences During Remote Teaching: A Perspective from Mid-Quarter Inquiries. Poster presentation. The Virtual Teaching Professor Conference.
Gómez, M. C., & Saichaie, K (2021, February). ACCELERATE for Equity and Inclusion: An Intensive Educational Development Program for Online Course Design. American Association of Colleges and Universities General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment Conference, Virtual Conference.
Turner, P. (2020, December). From Theory to Practice: Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Microteaching. Poster presented at the 5th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, Davis, CA.
Gomez, C., Turner, P. (2020, December). Students’ Experiences During Remote Teaching: A Perspective from Mid-Quarter Inquiries. Poster presented at the 5th Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, Davis, CA.
Turner, P. (2020, November). Visualizing Design: Scaffolding Faculty Engagement in Course (Re)Design. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference.
Gomez, C., Turner, P., Mills, B., Saichaie, K. (2020, November). Faculty Connect: Creating Community in the Era of Zoom. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference.
Ruiz, J.B. & Saichaie, K. (2020, November). Strategies for Equitable Learning in High-Enrollment Remote and Online Courses. Session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Virtual Conference.
Rossi, M., Saichaie, K., & Esqueda, M.C. (2020, August). Inclusive Teaching: Dismantling Structures and Systems of Power in the Sociology Classroom. Annual Meeting for the American Sociological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. (virtual session due to COVID-19).
Cuellar, M.G., Garcia. A. G., & Saichaie, K. (2019, April). What Do You Expect? Tensions between a Liberal Education and a Neoliberal Reality. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Gomez, M. C. (2019, March). University Beyond the Classroom Panel. Panel presenter, 2019 UC Berkeley Beyond Academia Conference, Berkeley, CA
Gomez, M. C., Silva, L., Merrill, M., & Wilson, M. (2019, February). E-Learning for Equity, InnoVation, and Teaching Effectiveness (ELEVATE) Faculty Fellows Program. Poster session presented at the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative conference, Anaheim, CA.
Gomez, M. C., Turner, P., Esqueda, M., & Saichaie, K. (2019, November). Mid-Quarter Inquiries: Incorporating Equity, Engagement, and Inclusion. Poster session presented at the POD Network conference, Pittsburg, PA.
Johnson, T., Molinaro, M., Motika, M. (2018, November). Exploring Factors in Course Grade Equity (and what we might do about it). California Association for Institutional Research, Anaheim CA.
Motika, M., Johnson, T. (2018, November). Effects of Adjustment, Grading, and Class Size in Academic Equity. HHMI Special Session on Inclusive Excellence, UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Davis CA.
Motika, M. (2018, November). Broadening the Impact of Plant Science Through Community-Based Innovation. Evaluation and Sharing of Outreach Programs Workshop. Davis, CA.
Motika, M., Xinyi H. (2018, November). Modeling Transfer Student Success in Engineering. California Association for Institutional Research, Anaheim CA.
Ghosh, S., Motika, M. (2018, November). Measuring the Impact of Remedial Writing. Poster presented at the California Association for Institutional Research, Anaheim CA
Molinaro, M., Motika, M., Steinwachs, M., Facciotti, M. (2018, November). Know Your Students: Empowering Educators to Improve Learning Using Data. California Association for Institutional Research, Anaheim CA
Saichaie, K., Rossi, M. R., Rice., E.I., Corbett, A.C., Sandholdt., C. A. (2018, November). The Intersection of Cases and Spaces in Nursing Educational Development. Interactive session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Portland, OR.
Sanchez-Gutierrez, C., Saichaie, K., Guerra., & K. S. (2018, November). The CAFE Model: Empowering TAs in High-Enrollment Classes. Interactive session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Portland, OR.
Pulford, S., Tan, J., Gonzalez, M.R., & Modell, A. (2018, June). Satisfaction: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Engineering Writing Coursework. 125th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.
Pulford. S., Harris, E., Yasuhara, K., Cutler, S., & Kappers, W. (2018, June). Leading Through Partnerships: Accomplishing Together What Cannot Be Achieved Alone. Interactive workshop presented at the 125th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.
VanderGheynst, J., Moloney, K., Bronner, C. & Wakefield, A. (2018, June). Professional Development Activities to Improve the Persistence of Low-Income, Academically Talented Underrepresented Graduate Students in Engineering. Poster presented at the 2018 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.
Pulford. S., & Colin, M. (2018, May). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Our Roles and Strengths within our Local Communities. Interactive workshop presented at 1st Annual UC Teaching Center Leaders Meeting, Berkeley, CA.
Rockey, A. & Saichaie, K. (2018, May). Beer Deconstructed: Designing Short Weekly Writing Assignments in a Fully Online Beer and Brewing Course. Paper session at the Computers and Writing Conference, Fairfax, VA.
Esqueda, M.C. (2018, April). Preparing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy. Postdoctoral Research Symposium, University of California, Davis.
Molinaro, M. (2018, April). Supporting Student Equity by Supporting Faculty and the Instructional System. Learning Analytics Summit, IU Bloomington, IN, April 11-13.
Wittstock, S. N. & Saichaie, K. (2018, April). Motivating Just-in-Time: Faculty Development for Assessment. Interactive Session at the Annual Resource Conference – Western Association of Schools and Collegees, Burlingame, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2018, February). Empirical Educator Participatory Conference. Thought Leader Conference for Evidence-Based Instruction, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Feb 1 – Mar 1.
Molinaro, M. (2018, February). Supporting Student Equity by Supporting Faculty and the Instructional System. Invited keynote at UC Santa Cruz Social Mobility Conference, Santa Cruz, Feb 26.
Molinaro, M. (2018, January). Understanding and Supporting First Generation Students. UC Davis First Generation Faculty Forum, UC Davis, CA, January 9, 2018.
Moloney, K., Fitzpatrick, S., & Hong, R. (2018). “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About”: Exploring Assessment Language & Culture. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
Moloney, K., Brey, A., & Sher, A. (2018). Special Interest Group: Learning Outcomes Assessment as Foundation for Quality, Learning, and Improvement at Research-Intensive Universities. 2018 Academic Resource Conference of the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Burlingame, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2017, December). Our Campus SOTL Landscape and Opportunities. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at UC Davis Conference, Davis, CA, Dec. 1.
Pulford, S., & Modell, A. (2017, December). Do Engineers Dislike Writing? Poster presented at 2nd Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, Davis, CA.
Wong, K.W., & Pulford, S. (2017, December). Easing Transition to University-level Math using ALEKS. Poster presented at 2nd Annual UC Davis Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, Davis, CA.
Saichaie, K., Brooks, D.C. Walker, J.D., Baepler, P., & Peterson, C.I. (2017, November). Yes, Space Matters! Understanding and Advancing Practice in Learning Spaces. Pre-conference session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Molinaro, M. (2017, October). Supporting Inclusive Teaching By: Enhancing Awareness, Supporting Understanding, Promoting Action & Encouraging Reflection. AAU National Meeting, Washington DC, Oct. 2-3.
Molinaro, M. (2017, October). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform Awareness, Understanding, Action, Reflection. Invited Speaker for the Transforming Teaching Conference, Santa Cruz, CA , Oct. 6.
Molinaro, M. (2017, October). Using Standard Undergraduate Institutional Data to Promote Equity and Inclusion. SEA Change Kickoff Conference, Washington DC, Oct. 20.
Molinaro, M. (2017, August). Multidimensional Instructional Development for Achievement and Success. Inclusive Excellence Initial Cohort Meeting, Chevy Chase, MD, August 7-10.
Molinaro, M. (2017, July). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM (Biology Emphasis) Instructional Reform. Invited speaker at the Undergraduate Biology Education Research Gordon Research Conference, Easton, MA, July 9-14.
Motika. M., (2017, June). Updates on use of ALEKS in Chemistry, CAD.
Molinaro, M. (2017, June). UC Davis Undergraduate Research Facts and Promising Activities. Invited panelist at National Academies of Science launch of the Undergraduate Research Experiences consensus report, Washington DC, June 2.
Molinaro, M. (2017. June). Using Data to Drive Instructional Reform in General Chemistry. Invited speaker at the Chemistry Education Research and Practice Gordon Research Conference, Bates, ME, June 18-23.
Motika, M. (2017, June). Creativity and gender under pressure. Joint work with Joaqui̒n Arte̒s at Complutense University of Madrid and Jennifer Graves at Autonoma University of Madrid, presentation at the Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting in San Diego, CA.
Janine Lynn Flathmann Wilson, Derek Stimel, and Sattik Ghosh (2017, June). Hybrid vs Traditional: Student Performance Differences in an Economic Development Course. Presented at the Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE).
Pulford, S., Yasuhara, K., Cutler, S., Harris, E., Hahn, L., & Kappers, W. (2017, June). Continuing the Discussion: Faculty Development Birds of Feather. Interactive special session presented at the 124th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH.
Taylor, A., Hendricks, D., & Pulford, S. (2017, June). Implementation of Peer Review to Enhance Written and Visual Communication learning in Capstone Reports. 124th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH.
Molinaro, M. (2017, May). Data & Challenges (Moving Toward Evidence-Based Actions). NSF California STEM Backbone Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2017, May). Developing Institutional Learning Analytics' Communities of Transformation' to Support Student Success. Paper presented by co-authors at the Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Molinaro, M. (2017, May). Gender Distribution in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. UC Davis Feminist Research Institute Conference, Davis, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2017, May). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale Instructional Reform. Invited keynote, University of Maryland College Park Fearless Education Conference, College Park, MD.
Gomez, M. C. (2017, May). International Careers in Academia. Panel, Ph.D. Unlimited Conference & Networking Event, UC Davis, Davis, CA
De Pedro, K., Esqueda, M.C., & Gilreath, T. (2017, April). School connection, adult support, and substance use among LGB adolescents in California public schools. Presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.
De Pedro, K., Lynch, R.J., & Esqueda, M.C. (2017, April). Exploring the role of an LGBTQ-affirming school climate on safety and victimization in a rural school district. Presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Saichaie, K. & Moloney, K. (2017, April). Faculty Learning Communities. Interactive Session. Annual Resource Conference – Western Association of Schools and Collegees, San Diego, CA.
Lynch, R.J., & Esqueda, M.C. (2017, March). Secondary traumatic stress and the student affairs professional.Presented at the American College Personnel Association convention, Columbus, OH.
Molinaro, M. (2017, February). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform. Invited speaker, University of California, Irvine, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2017, February). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform Awareness, Understanding, Action, Reflection. Developmental brownbag for psychology and human development programs at UC Davis, Davis, CA.
Saichaie, K. & Brooks, D. C. (2017, February). Teaching in the Active Learning Classroom: History, Research, and Practice. Interactive session at the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
Saichaie, K., Diermyer, C. B., Thomas, C.T., Theisen, C.H., & Sendell, J. A. (2017, February). Hybrid Learning as a Driver of Institutional Change: A Community of Practice Model. Poster at the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
Molinaro, M. (2017, January). ALEKS Preparatory Chemistry and Mathematics. Presenter with UCSB and UCSC colleagues, UC System-wide Undergraduate Education Conference 2017, UC Davis, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2017, January). Challenges & Approaches to Improvement. Conference organizer and speaker, UC System-wide Undergraduate Education Conference 2017, UC Davis, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2017, January). Supporting Faculty Awareness of Course Dynamics and Student Diversity to Inspire Action. Panel moderator and speaker, UC System-wide Undergraduate Education Conference 2017, UC Davis, CA.
Pulford, S., Uvarove, C., Dockter, D., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Allen, G., & Molinaro, M. (2017, January). Establishing Baselines and Measuring Change: Approaches Used in a University's Large Introuctory STEM Courses. Poster presented at Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.
Lynch, R.J., Esqueda, M.C., Birnbaum, M., & Jacobsen, B. (2016, November). Mental health, secondary trauma, and personal wellness: Considerations for higher education preparation programs and the profession. Presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education conference, Columbus, OH.
Molinaro, M. (2016, November). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at UC Davis. Conference organizer and presenter of multiple presentations at the first ever UC Davis SoTL conference, Davis, CA Nov 17-18.
Molinaro, M. (2016, November). Supporting Faculty Awareness of Course Dynamics and Student Diversity to Inspire Action. Reinvention Center Conference, Bethesda, MD.
Molinaro, M. (2016, November). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform. School of Education brownbag at UC Davis, Davis, CA.
Turner, P., & Gomez, M. C. (2016, November). Key Considerations in Workshop Design. Presentation, UC Davis Professors for the Future, Graduate Studies, UC Davis, Davis, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, September). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform. Opening Keynote for 2016-17 Learning Analytics series, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Molinaro, M. (2016, August). Learning Analytics in Higher Education. Presentation for EdSURGE gathering, San Francisco.
Pulford, S. (2016, June). Useful but not Interesting: Illuminating Student Values for Engineering Writing Education. Paper accepted to 123nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Pulford, S., Chua, M., Cutler, S., Harris, E., Hahn, L., Kappers, W., & Yasuhara, K. (2016, June). Faculty Development Birds of Feather. Interactive Special Session presented at the 123rd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Pulford, S., & Falkenberg, C. (2016, June). "Give Me All Of Your Ideas": Building with Improvisation in Engineering Active Learning. Paper accepted to 123nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, May). Institutional Level Improvement: Tools & Dashboards. Invited presentation to the annual COTTRELL scholars conference, Laguna Beach, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, May). Using Data to Inform, Drive, and Scale STEM Instructional Reform. Invited speaker, Caltech, Pasadena, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, April). Promoting Action from Instructors to Departments Via Simple, Actionable, Tools, and Analyses. Paper presented at the Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Molinaro, M. (2016, April). Stanford Learning Summit. Panel moderator and presenter, Stanford, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, April). Student Success. Presenter at the Neuroscience Initiative to Enhance Diversity Event, UC Davis, Davis, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, March). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform. Invited speaker, Univ. of Texas, Austin.
Molinaro, M. (2016, March). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Instructional Reform. Invited speaker for the STEER series on educational innovation, University of Southern Florida, Tampa, FL.
Esqueda, M.C., Gilreath, T.D., & Astor, R.A. (2016, January). Comparing the post-secondary plans and aspirations of military- and nonmilitary connected children attending military-connected public schools. Presented at the Society for Social Work and Research annual meeting, Washington, DC.
Molinaro, M. (2016, January). Actionable Predictive Analytics. Co-organizer and presenter at the UC-Wide Undergraduate education conference, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, January). Adaptive Learning Software: ALEKS Pilot for General Chemistry Preparation. Presentation to California Governor’s Office, Sacramento, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2016, January). Using Data to Improve Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. Invited presenter to the American River College STEM faculty, American River College, Sacramento, CA.
Whitman, N.L., Makou, A. B., Franz, J.L., & Saichaie, K. (2016). Fostering instructional innovation with new spaces and services. Interactive session at the Annual meeting of the University of California Computing Services Conference, Santa Cruz, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2015, December). Research Action Cluster 3: Actionable Analytics. Bay View Alliance Meeting, Stanford, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2015, November). The Center for Educational Effectiveness at UCD. STEM Center conference Nov 8-9 A workshop on STEM Transformation, South San Francisco, CA.
Saichaie, K. & Proper, E. (2015, November). Cash, check, or credit: An analysis of for-profit higher colleges and universities websites. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting for the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Denver, CO.
Saichaie, K. & Theisen, C. H. (2015, November). Welcome, now go teach: Reflections on scaling GTA orientation. Interactive session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Theisen, C. H., Paul, C., & Roseler, K. (2015, November). SPOTing Effective Teaching: Promoting Critical Reflection Using an Observation Tool. Interactive session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Guzman-Alvarez. A., Allen, G., Molinaro, M., & Larsen, D. (2015, October). Implementing and Assessing the Efficacy of Open Access Hyperlibrary Textbook Resource. To be presented at the Open Access Conference, San Jose, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2015, October). Institutional Change. Presenter and lead for roundtable discussion, Association of American Universities STEM Meeting, Washington University at St. Louis, ST. Louis, MS.
Molinaro, M. (2015, September). Making Sense of STEM Student Participation in Research. Presentation to the National Academy of Science Committee on Strengthening Research Experiences for Undergraduate STEM Students, Washington DC.
Peterson, C. I., Baepler, P., Walker, J. D., Brooks, D. C., & Saichaie, K." (2015, August). A Guide to Teaching in the Active Learning Classrooms: History, Research, and Practice. Poster presented at the 2015 National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms, Minneapolis, MN.
Becker, E., Pagliarulo, C., & Easlon, E. (2015, August). Practice and Feedback, Transforming Undergraduate Education through Evidence-based Training of Graduate Teaching Assistants. Presentation at the Society for Advancement of Biology Education Researchers, Minneapolis, MN.
Diermyer, C. & Saichaie, K. (2015, August). Scaling Engagement. Interactive session at the Annual meeting of the University of California Computing Services Conference, Riverside, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2015, August). Using Data to Improve Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. Higher Education Research Institute Summer Series talk at UCLA.
Saichaie, K. (2015, August). Active learning spaces: Leveraging learning spaces for faculty engagement and campus collaboration. Interactive session at the Annual meeting of the University of California Computing Services Conference, Riverside, CA.
Saichaie, K., Peterson, C.I., Brooks, D.C., Baepler, P., & Walker, J.D. (2015, August). Connecting Research to Practice: Social Context and Student Resistance. Paper session at the 2015 National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms, Minneapolis, MN.
Molinaro, M. (2015, June). Using Data to Inform, Drive and Scale STEM Reform: Tools for Evidence-Based Action. Invited presenter for HHMI Constellation Studios for Science Education, June 8-10, 2015, HHMI Headquarters, MD.
Pulford S., Ruzycki, N., Finelli, C., Hahn, L., & Thorsen, D. (2015, June). Making Value for Faculty: Learning Communities in Engineering Education. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle WA. Awarded Best In Education Research and Methods Division Award.
Pulford, S. (2015, June). Engineering Writing Apprehension, Engineering Writing Affinity. Poster presented at Cultivating Ensembles in STEM Education and Research Conference (CESTEMER), Berkeley, CA.
Pulford, S., & Taylor, A. (2015, June). Work in Progress: Implementation of Peer Review to Enhance Written and Visual Communication Learning in Bioengineering Capstone Reports. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle WA.
Taylor, A., & Pulford, S. (2015, June). Visual Communication Learning through Peer Design Critiques: Engineering Communciation Across Divisions. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle WA .
Molinaro, M. (2015, May). Learning sciences and instruction. Invited participant, MIT Learning Sciences and Online Learning Symposium, MIT.
Loes, C. N. & Saichaie, K. (2015, April). Cognitive effects of technology over four years of college. Paper presentation accepted to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Molinaro, M. (2015, April). Creating and sustaining an evidence-based instructional culture. Invited seminar speaker, Boston University.
Molinaro, M. (2015, March). Improving teaching and learning now: Getting to college graduation summit. Invited Panelist, SXSWEDU, Austin, TX.
Molinaro, M. (2015, February). Creating an evidence-based instructional culture. Invited seminar speaker, Yale University.
Molinaro, M. (2015, January). Promoting evidence-based instructional practices with data. Keynote Speaker for 2015 University of Pittsburgh Assessment Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Molinaro, M. (2015, January). Tools for evidence-based action. Conference organizer and presenter, Davis, CA
Pagliarulo, C. (2015, January). The Generalized Observation & Reflection Platform (GORP): An app to transform how we measure instruction. Helmsley Foundation - Tools For Evidence-based Action (TEA) 2014 National Meeting, University of California, Davis.
Alonzo, J.J., Walsh, S., Segarra, V., Pulford, S., Natalizio, B., Borinskaya, S., & Holmes, R. (2014, December). Cultivating Ensembles Across Biology Education and Research. Poster session presented at the American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Larsen, D., Rusay, R., Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., & Molinaro, M. (2014, December). The ChemWiki: A Free Online Substitute for Commercial Chemistry Textbook. Presented at ConfChem 2014 Fall, ACS Digital Conference.
Pagliarulo, C. (2014, December). Using data to drive STEM reform. The Texas Institute for Discovery Education in Science (TIDES) Seminar Series, University of Texas, Austin.
Elrod, S., Weaver, K., & Pagliarulo, C. (2014,November). A scientific framework for leading strategic undergraduate STEM reform. AAC&U PKAL/KECK 2014: Transforming STEM Higher Education Network for Academic Renewal Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Molinaro, M. (2014, November). Creating a culture where numbers matter: How data can help shatter campus silos and elevate student success. Invited panelist, 2014 APLU Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Molinaro, M. (2014, November). Leveraging disciplinary diversity: Meeting national needs in STEM while making real the value of comprehensiveness. Invited Co-facilitator, 2014 Reinvention Center Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Russell, A. K. & Saichaie, K. (2014, November). Active Learning Spaces as a Lever for Exploring Student-Centered Pedagogies. Roundtable Session at the Annual Meeting for the Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Saichaie, K. (2014, November). Higher education branding in a context of global competition: Theoretical and practical perspectives. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting for the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington D.C.
Thomas, C., & Pagliarulo, C. (2014, November). Co-Curricular learning and mentored inquiry in STEM disciplines. The Reinvention Center 2014 National Conference, Arlington, VA.
Pagliarulo, C. (2014, October). KEYNOTE TALK: Using data to inform, drive, and scale STEM reform: Stories from the front lines. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Program Director Meeting - Understanding Persistence in STEM, HHMI Headquarters, Chevy Chase MD.
Pagliarulo, C., Facciotti, M., Becker, E., & Molinaro, M. (2014, October). Adaptive Learning and the Quest to Improve Undergraduate Education. Presentation at the EDUCAUSE General Conference, Orlando, FL.
Molinaro, M. (2014, September). Adaptive Learning Gates Project. Invited speaker for EDUCAUSE September, Orlando, FL.
Molinaro, M. (2014, September). Making Data Actionable for Instruction. Invited speaker for AAU Chief Academic Officers Meeting September, Laguna, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2014, September). Making data actionable for instruction. Invited speaker for AAU Chief Academic Officers Meeting, Laguna, CA.
Pagliarulo, C. (2014, August). Multi-level institutional data analysis that informs STEM instructional reforms. UCLA HERI: STEM Summer Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2014, July). National instructional reform efforts of the Bay View Alliance. Sloan Foundation invited meeting on national efforts in instructional reform, NYC, NY
Molinaro, M., & Pagliarulo, C. (2014, July). Achieving systemic improvement to undergraduate STEM teaching and learning. Association of American Universities (AAU) Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative WorkShop Meeting, Washington, DC.
Pagliarulo, C., & Krumper, K. (2014, July). Faculty and TA professional development: Using evidence to transform practice and culture. Association of American Universities (AAU) Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative WorkShop Meeting, Washington, DC.
Molinaro, M. (2014, June). Adaptive Learning Experiences at UC Davis. Gates ALMAP grant meeting June, Seattle, WA.
Pagliarulo, C., Bier, N., & Molinaro, M. (2014, June). Partnering to advance adaptive learning in the classroom: Carnegie Mellon & UC Davis Open Learning Initiative. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - Adaptive Learning Market Acceleration Program National Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Esqueda, M.C. (2014, May). Serving Veterans and Dependents in Higher Education. Student Affairs Conference, Graduate School of Education, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Molinaro, M. (2014, May). Conducting Curriculum Evaluation Studies - Experiences with the Science, Biostatistics and Cancer Curriculum. Annual NIH Science Education Conference, Bethesda, MD, May.
Molinaro, M. (2014, May). Curriculum Development - Going National Bethesda. Annual NIH Science Education Conference, Bethesda, MD, May.
Molinaro, M. (2014, May). Data Interpretation with SeeIt Data Visualization Tool. Annual NIH Science Education Conference, May, Bethesda, MD.
Molinaro, M. (2014, May). UCD Progress in STEM Utilization of Evidence-Based Practices. Invited speaker for AAU STEM Project Sites Meeting May 2014, Washington, DC.
Molinaro, M., & Pagliarulo, C. (2014, May). Fostering an evidence-based culture for sustainable instructional STEM innovation at UC Davis. Association of American Universities (AAU) Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, Directors’ Meeting, Washington, DC.
Esqueda, M.C., De Pedro, K., & Atuel, H. (2014, April). Examining the roles and responsibilities of institutions of higher education after nearly a decade of war. Presented at American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Molinaro, M. (2014, April). Creating an Instructinal Data Infrastructure. Presentation at the annual AAC&U/PKAL STEM effectiveness Framework meeting, April, Sacramento and Davis, CA.
Smith, A., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Steinwachs, M., & Lee, A. (2014, April). From Data Visualization to Argument – Tools for Lifelong Science Literacy. Presented at the National Science Teacher Association National Conference, Boston, MA.
Guzman-Alvarez, A. (2014, March). Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Using SeeIt to Compare Stacked Dotplots to Boxplots. Presented at the 35th Annual Institute on Research and Statistics, Sacramento, CA.
Pulford, S., Bautista, E., Melara, L., & Holmes, R. (2014, February). Building a Career for You: an Improvisational Art and Practice. Panel presented at the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, Seattle, WA.
Molinaro, M. (2014, January). Creating an Instructional Data Infrastructure.Presentation at the annual AAC&U Annual Conference, Washington DC, January.
Molinaro, M. (2014, January). Enhancing Teaching and Learning Potential & Reality. Invited presentation for the Cottrell Scholars Meeting on Faculty Assessment, January, Washington DC.
Molinaro, M. (2014, January). Monitoring and Supporting Persistence to STEM Degrees. Invited Participant at the National Academies Meeting on Workshop on Barriers and Opportunities in Completing 2- and 4-Year STEM Degrees: Irvine, CA, January.
Pulford. S. (2014). Story and Science. Invited talk at the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Nevada Reno.
Theisen, C. H., Comins, D., Bartlett, R. C., & Jones, A. (2014). Promoting Hybrid Course Development: An Integrated Grant and Workshop Series Approach. Online Learning Consortium – Blended Learning Annual Conference. (Awarded Best-in-Track for Faculty Development & Student Support).