Well-being is both a determinant and an outcome of health. According to the World Health Organization, well-being encompasses quality of life and the ability of people and societies to contribute to the world with a sense of meaning and purpose. Well-being is subjective and varies between individuals based on social, economic and environmental conditions.
Embedding well-being in the learning environment is essential for the overall development of students. Well-being enhances academic performance and equips students with the necessary skills and mindset to thrive inside and outside the classroom. Moreover, well-being creates a positive, supportive, and inclusive atmosphere where both students and educators can flourish.
The Aggie Well-Being Champions Award recognizes instructors and teaching assistants who are particularly attuned to the increasing health and wellness challenges students are facing and are taking concrete steps to support students. The College of Biological Sciences has partnered with us to pilot the inaugural Aggie Well-Being Champions Awards. We’re excited to expand nominations in collaboration with other colleges in the near future.
Aggie Well-Being Champions:

- Use policies and practices that promote health and well-being
e.g., set flexible assignment deadlines and make provisions for appropriate attendance flexibility
- Improve access to and awareness of health and well-being resources on campus
e.g., highlight health and well-being resources on campus syllabi; actively talk about utilizing campus resources during class
- Center diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusivity in all aspects of their teaching
e.g., ensuring access to all course materials and learning spaces; using inclusive language; scheduling office hours conducive to students' schedules such as evening for working students
- Take care of their own health and well-being
e.g., encourage and model healthy boundary setting; set communication expectations; share their own challenges and stories
For 2024-2025, only UC Davis instructors or teaching assistants in the College of Biological Sciences may be nominated. The award will be expanded to all colleges in 2025-2026.
A teaching assistant from any college, school or program can be nominated.
Awards include a plaque and a monetary award. Awardees will also be featured on the Center for Educational Effectiveness website. Award winners are encouraged to include the recognition for advancement purposes (e.g., promotion and tenure; CV)
Students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) must complete the electronic nomination form by February 16.
- Nominations are reviewed by the Awards Committee. The process is conducted in a transparent manner, allowing for any instructor from the College of Biological Sciences or teaching assistant to be nominated by a student. Self-nominations are not permitted.
The awards will be announced at the end of the winter quarter.
Nomination Requirements
Statement of how the individual or group meets the spirit of the award (250 words or less).
Data and/or examples that support the nominee’s impact on students’ health and well-being, including how the nominee’s efforts embed diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.
Complete the nomination form by February 16.
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee will include student, staff, and faculty representatives from Health Education and Promotion, ASUCD Student Health and Wellness, Student Disability Services, Center for Educational Effectiveness, Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs, and the Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services.

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Please download our promotional flyer
to share this opportunity with your
department, peers, or colleagues.
For questions about the Aggie Well-Being Award, please email Shantille Connolly at shathompson@ucdavis.edu.