Transfer Students

Transfer Students

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Creating An Engaging & Inclusive Environment (read full series)

What is it?

What is it?

Transfer students represent a diverse collection of often nontraditional backgrounds and experiences; as such, these students have needs and expectations of their university educations that can be much different than their peers on more traditional pathways (Lester, Leonard, & Mathias, 2013)1



Given the lower costs of attending less expensive 2-year colleges, transferring is a popular option among students from a variety of underrepresented populations, including first-generation students, veteran students, and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds (Durosko, 2017; Fauria & Fuller, 2015).

Since they may face a variety of challenges outside of school which could significantly impact school performance, instructors can help promote success by being willing to work with transfer students if/when their extracurricular responsibilities (i.e., employment or commuting schedules, family demands, veteran or nontraditional age status) interfere with their curricular ones.



  • 33% of newly enrolled UCD undergraduate students are transfer.
  • 7779 is the total number of transfer students enrolled at UC Davis in the 2018-19 school year (UCOP INFO CENTER, 2018).

Teaching Strategies

  • Implement active and collaborative activities and encourage students to work with a variety of peers in class, so that they can establish new connections and networks.

  • Integrate authentic activities and assignments, with emphasis on how content will apply to work in the future.

  • Make timely feedback (written or oral) an integral part of class, so that students can integrate your comments/suggestions into their next assignment.

  • Encourage students to come to office hours, and create opportunities for student-instructor interactions.

  • Self-identify if you were a transfer student.

  • Vary your approach when working with veterans or nontraditionally-aged students by considering their life experiences and age.  Honor and build upon these unique perspectives during discussion.


Students say ...

Students Say

  • “Once I knew about the campus Transfer Center (because a professor provided the link on her syllabus and Canvas page), I was able to connect with other transfer students and access some of the resources available to me.”
  • “When instructors use open-source textbooks or software, it is very helpful to the financial burden that my education places on my family.”



  • How can you encourage students to make use of their prior knowledge, perspectives, and experiences?
  • How are you able to be transparent and make students aware of your high expectations for them?
  • 1List of all references in the complete JITT Guide.